

“I met a traveller from an antique land”
“Nothing besides remains”
“The hands that mocked them”


“Runs in blood down palace walls”
“Every black’ning church appalls, and the hapless soldiers sigh”
“Youthful harlot’s curse”

Extract from, The Prelude

“Measured motion like a living thing”
“There hung a darkness call it solitude”
“Huge peak, black and huge”

My Last Duchess

“This grew; i gave commands; then all smiles stopped together”
“Notice neptune through taming a sea-horse”
“That's my last duchess painted on the wall looking as if she were alive”

The Charge of the Light Brigade

“Shot and shell”
“Into the jaws of Death…mouth of hell”
“Noble six hundred”


“The merciless iced east winds that knife us…”
“But nothing happens”
“For the love of god seems dying”

Storm on the island

“Exploding comfortably”
“Spits like a tame cat, turned savage”

Bayonet Charge

“Suddenly he awoke and was running-raw”
“His terrors touchy dynamite”
“King, honour, human dignity, etcetera”


“I see broad daylight on the other side”
“Drink and drugs won't flush him out”
“Probably armed, possibly not”


“Sellotape bandaged around my hand”
“The world overflowing like a treasure chest”

War Photographer

“Spools of suffering set out in ordered rows”
“All flesh is grass”
“A hundred agonies in black and white”


“Might fly our lives like paper kites”
“Maps too. The sun shines through their borderlines”
“Raise a structure never meant to last”

The Emigree

“My city hides behind me.”
“My shadow falls as evidence of sunlight”
“I have no passport, there’s no way back at all”

Checking Out Me History

“de cow who jump over de moon”
“I carving out me own identity”
“No dem never tell me bout dat”


“Like a huge flag first waved one way then the other in a figure of eight”
“Tuna, the dark prince, muscular”
“He must have wondered which had been the better way to die”